First snow came early this year, only 2 weeks ago . It was snowing lot, we had a snow calamite. But I had a plan to go to paddle on a classical fall creek Vavřinecký potok. I settled with my friend Čenda, that we wil go paddling together, because I tought him few times ago. But he haven't run a river before on kayak. It was funny, Čenda swam only once becose he couldn't do an eskymo roll. There was snow all around the river it was crazy.
On Saturday we went to Krkonoše around Mísečky to enjoy first snow. I(Luca) was tired after a championship in rock and roll, which took a part on Saturday on Letná. We ended up 2nd, so I wasn't in a mood either. Anyway, Pavel packed all my staff(that was maybe, why he took forever to pack his staff, but don't tell him, it makes him crazy, when I make fun of him), it was so heavy, that I couldn't go anymore after about 10 steps. I knew, this is gonna be a long trip, so I was a little bit aggressive, when Pavel said something about going faster. After we met our colleges and agreed on our meeting point, it got a bit better. Pavel took my skiing boots, arranged snow-shoes on my feet, and we were ready to go. It was so pretty, the sun was shining on the fresh snow, I was falling in it, and Pavel was trying to get me out,... Finally, we were at the top, where the others were already waiting. We changed, and went closer to the place, where we were supposed to go down. I was a bit scared, because, I haven't skied since last winter, and to go straight to this snow with someone else's skies.. But I made it, it was great, but I couldn't tell this to Pavel, because I just don't say these things, never mind... but I didn't know, that I have to walk quite a long distance back to the car. On the way we met a working lift on Novákova medow. That was something for me. We could freeriding without walking, that's my image of freeriding. I had to make myself interesting, so I set off a bit faster on one jump, so I flew over the fall, and arrested myself in the snow, lost my sky, and Čenda almost jumped on me. Well I made it to the car, we made a group photo, and went home. Our way wasn't without problems of course, heater didn't work, well I just have to used to this I guess.......................
Well and why did I call this my last freeriding? Well in about a month, my leg is gonna be cut off. And Im gonna be even more crazy, and dumb without my leg, Im just telling U, I hope U are looking forward to that, jou jou!